| 1. | In king solomon ' s temple there was a winding staircase 在所罗门王的神殿里有一个旋转楼梯 |
| 2. | It has a big winding staircase , just like gone with the wind 这儿有个巨大的旋转楼梯就像《乱世佳人》里那个一样 |
| 3. | One lantern . under the winding staircase of the steeple , that ' s where we have to look 一盏灯,它正是在旋转楼梯的下面那就是我们该找的地方 |
| 4. | One lantern . under the winding staircase of the steeple , that ' s where we have to look 一盏灯,它正是在旋转楼梯的下面那就是我们该找的地方 |
| 5. | Ronnie learns to love the slap of the waves against the rock , sleeping in a bunk , climbing the winding staircase , and lighting the great lamp each night 朗尼在这段期间渐渐爱上了潮水声,陡峭的阶梯,和夜晚的点灯仪式。 |
| 6. | They went over a tolerably large ground - floor ; a second floor consisted of a salon , a bathroom , and two bedrooms ; near one of the bedrooms they came to a winding staircase that led down to the garden 二楼有一间客厅,一间浴室和两间卧室,这两间卧室中的一间和一座螺旋形的楼梯相连,楼梯出去便是花园。 |
| 7. | Groups of men and women were coming down the little winding staircase , and the outlines of battered hats and worn - out shawls were visible in the shadows . they looked colorless and unlovely , as became poor play actors who have got rid of their paint 男人们和女人们三五成群从小螺旋楼梯上往下走,在昏暗中,依稀看见一顶顶破旧的帽子,一条条起皱的披肩和卸装后的一张张群众演员的灰白丑陋的面孔。 |
| 8. | They give two threepenny bits to the gentleman at the turnstile and begin to waddle slowly up the winding staircase , grunting , encouraging each other , afraid of the dark , panting , one asking the other have you the brawn , praising god and the blessed virgin , threatening to come down , peeping at the airslits 她们付给把守旋转栅门的人两枚三便士银币,然后打着趔趄,慢慢腾腾地沿着那螺旋梯攀登,一路咕依着,气喘吁吁,都害怕黑暗,相互鼓着劲儿。这个问那个带没带上咸肉,并赞颂着天主和童贞圣母玛利亚。 |
| 9. | In the cafe the too numerous crowd of customers were squeezing themselves round the marble - topped tables . several were standing up , drinking in a great hurry . the tall mirrors reflected this thronging world of heads to infinity and magnified the narrow room beyond measure with its three chandeliers , its moleskin - covered seats and its winding staircase draped with red 咖啡馆里顾客很多,他们都拥挤在大理石桌子周围有些人匆匆忙忙站着喝咖啡横动的人头映在高大的镜子里,一眼看不到头的狭窄的大厅里,三盏吊灯仿皮漆布面子的长凳和铺着红地毯的螺旋楼梯都无限放大了。 |